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The most popular puzzles of the last 30 days

Each month brings thousands of new puzzles to put together, and on this page you'll find the ones that were put together most often in the past month. Choose and arrange interesting puzzles to help them climb even higher in the rankings.

fruit and other food online puzzleSolve puzzle
fruit and other food36lubro • solved 16 times
Potato ? sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Potato ?36TheAmazingHi • solved 19 times
white and blue soccer ball on green grass field sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzleGravity Falls Slide Puzzle online puzzleSolve puzzle
Gravity Falls Slide Puzzle16Ben • solved 808 times
Anime Cutest Character. sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Anime Cutest Character.16Lee Ying Risara • solved 173 times
Heroes vs. Villains Sliding Puzzle sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Heroes vs. Villains Sliding Puzzle16guhuageek • solved 2,993 times
Survivor Logo sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Survivor Logo36Kass401 • solved 395 times
24 puzzle sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
24 puzzle25F I S H • solved 134 times
tiger .................. sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
tiger ..................16ели • solved 16 times
squirrel on a flowering twig online puzzleSolve puzzle
squirrel on a flowering twig9ели • solved 333 times
ready for photo sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
ready for photo25ели • solved 97 times
Bingo's Animal Shelter sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Bingo's Animal Shelter16Cat • solved 23 times
Short Clawed Baby Otter sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Short Clawed Baby Otter100kamel98 • solved 164 times
Westie in white hydrangea sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Westie in white hydrangea36AliceMagic • solved 34 times
Smash Bros Link sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Smash Bros Link36Lumirevery • solved 36 times
Super Mario Bros 2 online puzzleSolve puzzle
Super Mario Bros 236Ray • solved 17 times
cool immunity comp sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
cool immunity comp36nnelsons • solved 8 times
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body of water during golden hour49Karmelia • solved 9 times
Sunset with clouds. sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Sunset with clouds.16Piter • solved 8 times
TypORG Redemp sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
TypORG Redemp16T_Typoe • solved 67 times
marvel universe sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
marvel universe9Roma • solved 34 times
Gryffindor online puzzleSolve puzzle
Gryffindor9Amanda Michelle Vega • solved 67 times
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Holidays online puzzleSolve puzzle
Christmas, Christmas, Christmas, Holidays36Mirela810 • solved 98 times
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red and white boat on sea dock during daytime49Sergiusz • solved 18 times
city skyline during day time sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
city skyline during day time100Marianda • solved 8 times
Peace symbol in rainbow colors sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Peace symbol in rainbow colors25fela • solved 280 times
School is cool online puzzleSolve puzzle
School is cool49fela • solved 76 times
Just sun. sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Just sun.100Salty • solved 29 times
Ground control to major tom sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Ground control to major tom49kuniticut • solved 23 times
Bluey Puzzle online puzzleSolve puzzle
Bluey Puzzle16Spencer • solved 152 times
Feddy Fatbear sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Feddy Fatbear16Rugjhma • solved 779 times
Survivor 42 online puzzleSolve puzzle
Survivor 4236alkali • solved 138 times
What 15 yeah sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
What 15 yeah49Hello • solved 42 times
tts8 numbered online puzzleSolve puzzle
tts8 numbered16help me • solved 182 times
Surrvivor Wild West online puzzleSolve puzzle
Surrvivor Wild West36Npokemaster • solved 62 times
Beldef321 sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Beldef32136EnEr-G • solved 8 times
smiling dog - Golden Retriever sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
smiling dog - Golden Retriever9ели • solved 1,424 times
nothing is impossible online puzzleSolve puzzle
nothing is impossible36ели • solved 136 times
Leroy and Dolores | Sangre Blanca sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Leroy and Dolores | Sangre Blanca100 • solved 491 times
bisque the cat sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
bisque the cat36bbfabwzrzjypekjtcs • solved 69 times
brown and white concrete buildings under blue sky online puzzleSolve puzzle
brown and white concrete buildings under blue sky9Bernadetka • solved 1,494 times
brown concrete building under blue sky during daytime sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzleDon Quixote's windmills sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Don Quixote's windmills49fela • solved 70 times
Thành nhà Hồ SVV BvsW sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Thành nhà Hồ SVV BvsW36chondilui • solved 43 times
RI - duel online puzzleSolve puzzle
RI - duel36Bajo • solved 87 times
Fiesta Online online puzzleSolve puzzle
Fiesta Online36Alexandru • solved 432 times
Sun and Moon: > sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Sun and Moon: >36CeleneMoonGirl0896 • solved 18 times
COA Slide Puzzle sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
COA Slide Puzzle9Rollcake71881 • solved 803 times
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