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The most popular puzzles of the last 30 days

Each month brings thousands of new puzzles to put together, and on this page you'll find the ones that were put together most often in the past month. Choose and arrange interesting puzzles to help them climb even higher in the rankings.

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band -The Beatles16Paranoid-Android • solved 63 times
Survivor Sudan16SpencerLiving2831 • solved 362 times
Scrambld9F I S H • solved 119 times
Peachhshsjs36Need • solved 442 times
Miku figure sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Miku figure9Kohane • solved 73 times
It's just a 15 puzzle sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
It's just a 15 puzzle16Lyubo • solved 409 times
Pikachu clovers sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Pikachu clovers16Dominika Ruda Przybylska • solved 399 times
CLAUUNAMICA ?? online puzzleSolve puzzle
CLAUUNAMICA ??16Clauu • solved 60 times
Better modern 8 puzzle9F I S H • solved 4,218 times
Traitors Puzzle 4 online puzzleSolve puzzle
Traitors Puzzle 436Scott • solved 97 times
mcdonalds online puzzleSolve puzzle
mcdonalds36jaevend • solved 62 times
Ori speeds online puzzleSolve puzzle
Ori speeds36Mox • solved 99 times
OK COMPUTER - RADIOHEAD (GREATEST ALBUM EVER) sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
OK COMPUTER - RADIOHEAD (GREATEST ALBUM EVER)16Paranoid-Android • solved 55 times
New Puzzle9mkingbar • solved 3,196 times
Puzzle 1 online puzzleSolve puzzle
Puzzle 19Ragna Lokisdottir • solved 7,596 times
green triangle 3x3 online puzzleSolve puzzle
green triangle 3x39xz9pro • solved 451 times
Make a Hexagon sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Make a Hexagon16sg. • solved 1,458 times
MY HERO SMASH online puzzleSolve puzzle
MY HERO SMASH16Ochaco • solved 342 times
How fast can you solve online puzzleSolve puzzle
How fast can you solve9Hello • solved 564 times
yellow and blue bird on brown wooden stick online puzzleSolve puzzle
yellow and blue bird on brown wooden stick36Zenek • solved 52 times
Mario SNES online puzzleSolve puzzle
Mario SNES9FroggyTTV • solved 146 times
Demonologist Bedlam Puzzle online puzzleSolve puzzle
Demonologist Bedlam Puzzle9KuraLaCroix • solved 692 times
Rick & Vick on-Survivor - 2EP (s12-Survivor PALAWAN) sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Rick & Vick on-Survivor - 2EP (s12-Survivor PALAWAN)9Rick&Vick on-Survivor • solved 4,594 times
12x12 Puzzle sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
12x12 Puzzle36SzymekCSC • solved 1,173 times
windows 7 colors sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
windows 7 colors9tommy • solved 1,959 times
Dark Side Of The Moon - Pink Floyd sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Dark Side Of The Moon - Pink Floyd16Paranoid-Android • solved 38 times
Tag 4x4 Reverse sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Tag 4x4 Reverse16Semen • solved 65 times
Mario Lol online puzzleSolve puzzle
Mario Lol9Jom • solved 314 times
Tag 4x4 Solve online online puzzleSolve puzzle
Tag 4x4 Solve online16Semen • solved 89 times
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pawns rs36rsrs4123 • solved 34 times
Easyㅤㅤㅤㅤ online puzzleSolve puzzle
Easyㅤㅤㅤㅤ9babylamia • solved 160 times
Battle Royale Puzzle sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Battle Royale Puzzle25myworld3 • solved 556 times
Slytherin activity online puzzleSolve puzzle
Slytherin activity9Fiore • solved 32 times
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fwvvwavrsesbbs.16yeetb01 • solved 105 times
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Taj Majal36Anyno • solved 1,004 times
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sunrise in the mountains36ели • solved 69 times
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Peace symbol in rainbow colors25fela • solved 310 times
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123FMAPPDL9shidou • solved 30 times
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wooden house ...................25ели • solved 586 times
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Ice Ruin pizzle36Alzetic • solved 29 times
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new mcdonalds logo36umbranoti • solved 30 times
Pro Teck Survivor 25 Piece sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Pro Teck Survivor 25 Piece25MJS • solved 351 times
Put number in order9The puzzle maker of AI • solved 5,333 times
KINO-PUZZLE sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
KINO-PUZZLE36Panoraze • solved 616 times
24 puzzle sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
24 puzzle25F I S H • solved 154 times
Sam Until Dawn sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Sam Until Dawn36aqua81 • solved 27 times
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macarons, coffee, flowers36lubro • solved 27 times
AP 8 World History online puzzleSolve puzzle
AP 8 World History25Mr. Tinaya • solved 132 times
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