Attalea speciosa - online puzzles

Attalea speciosa

Attalea speciosa, the babassu, babassu palm, babaçu, or cusi, is a palm native to the Amazon Rainforest region in South America. The babassu palm is the predominant species in the Maranhão Babaçu forests of Maranhão and Piauí states.

This plant has commercial value because its seeds produce an edible oil called babassu oil, which is also used in cleaners and skin-care products. The fruit is used to produce products such as medicines, beauty aids, and beverages. Traditional communities of the Maranhão region also produce a flour from the fruit, and this is commercialized as a nutritional supplement. The leaves are also used to provide thatch for houses and can be woven into mats for constructing house walls. The stems are used for timbers. The babassu palm is considered a weed in pasture areas of Cerrado vegetation in Brazil.

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