I wanted to buy a new industrial sewing machine but that expense just wasn’t a good idea. So I pulled my mother-in-law’s Singer out of storage. With the help of the instruction booklet I figured out how to wind thread onto the bobbin, and thread the needle. She’s a 1951 model 221 and needed a lube and oil to restore her to brand new functioning in 2018. Eddie’s Sewing Bee took care of that for me. My Singer does a lovely straight stitch, only. Eddie pointed out the obvious, “We’ve got lots of new machines right here if you’d like to upgrade.” No thanks Eddie. This one’s just fine.
I wanted to buy a new industrial sewing machine but that expense just wasn’t a good idea. So I pulled my mother-in-law’s Singer out of storage. With the help of the instruction booklet I figured out how to wind thread onto the bobbin, and thread the needle. She’s a 1951 model 221 and needed a lube and oil to restore her to brand new functioning in 2018. Eddie’s Sewing Bee took care of that for me. My Singer does a lovely straight stitch, only. Eddie pointed out the obvious, “We’ve got lots of new machines right here if you’d like to upgrade.” No thanks Eddie. This one’s just fine.
Photo by Jennifer Hartnett-Henderson on Unsplash
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