guy surprised by banana online puzzle
This is an image of a guy looking at a banana and being surprised, presumably, he is perplexed at how the banana is able to keep standing upright, despite not being supported by anything but the bottom. This could be a representation of how surprised people could be when a group of people are able to come together without any support and stay together, and be supported only by the foundation, buildings are also standing only by their foundation and are able to be standing for hundreds and sometimes even thousands of years. The light coming from the outside of the window suggests that the man doesn't have a job or has a job that takes place during the night time, meaning that the man has nothing better to do with his life. On the other hand, this could be the man's job, hear me out, maybe the man's job is to monitor the banana and make sure it doesn't escape, or maybe the man is just a youtuber who made a thumbnail with him staring at a banana, people found it funny and it became a meme, the origins of this image are still unknown and there are still questions about it, such as, who is the man, why was this image taken, and how is the banana standing upright, these questions may never be answered and we may be left in the dark forever, I hope that doesn't happen