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All puzzles added 20 August 2021

pink peonies HD wallpaper64Gracek • solved 3 times
photo of Brooklyn bridge49Gracek • solved 2 times
yellow petaled flower16Rumburak • solved 1 time
worm's-eye view of an airplane flying above city online puzzleSolve puzzleview of mountain being shine with sunlight online puzzleSolve puzzleperson using computer playing FPS game online puzzleSolve puzzle
person using computer playing FPS game49Gracek • not solved yet
man carrying baby boy and kissing on cheek online puzzleSolve puzzle
man carrying baby boy and kissing on cheek25Adelajda • not solved yet
child and woman at the gate near cabin and trees painting sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzleperson in gray shirt holding black dumbbell sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
person in gray shirt holding black dumbbell49Ernesto • not solved yet
girl raising her hand sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
girl raising her hand16Bernadetka • not solved yet
puzzle slide idol fight online puzzleSolve puzzle
puzzle slide idol fight36your mom • not solved yet
two babies and woman sitting on sofa online puzzleSolve puzzle
two babies and woman sitting on sofa49Karmelia • not solved yet
silhouette of people standing on hill sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
silhouette of people standing on hill64Ernesto • not solved yet
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