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All puzzles added 23 March 2021

assorted flavor of doughnuts on white box9Klementyna • solved 15 times
city buildings during night time9Francislava • solved 15 times
green trees on mountain during sunset49Lucjusz • solved 13 times
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white and black boat on water under cloudy sky81Bernadetka • solved 6 times
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red and white box on brown wooden table25Rumburak • solved 4 times
woman in black jacket standing beside black car sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
woman in black jacket standing beside black car25Klementyna • solved 4 times
topless man in red shorts sitting on white wooden railings sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzlewhite and brown bridge over river sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
white and brown bridge over river81Filomena • solved 3 times
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white and blue plastic bottles100Edmund • solved 3 times
red and black sports bike online puzzleSolve puzzle
red and black sports bike100Max • solved 3 times
white and blue basketball hoop online puzzleSolve puzzle
white and blue basketball hoop36Piter • solved 3 times
snow covered mountain under blue sky during daytime online puzzleSolve puzzleblack sedan parked in front of UNKs restaurant sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
black sedan parked in front of UNKs restaurant36Karmelia • solved 3 times
snow covered mountain near body of water under cloudy sky sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzlewoman in black and white sleeveless dress online puzzleSolve puzzle
woman in black and white sleeveless dress64Sergiusz • solved 2 times
pink cherry blossom in close up photography sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
pink cherry blossom in close up photography25Felicjusz • solved 2 times
white concrete building during daytime online puzzleSolve puzzle
white concrete building during daytime25Gracek • solved 2 times
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herd of sheep on green grass field64Dorothy • solved 2 times
brown bread on white paper sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
brown bread on white paper100Felicjusz • solved 2 times
green grapes in tilt shift lens online puzzleSolve puzzle
green grapes in tilt shift lens64Klementyna • solved 2 times
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man in gray suit walking on sidewalk81Klementyna • solved 2 times
white and brown concrete building under white clouds online puzzleSolve puzzlewhite cherry blossom in close up photography sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
white cherry blossom in close up photography36Bernadetka • solved 1 time
black and white bird flying over the sea during daytime sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzleblue and brown rope on brown wooden table online puzzleSolve puzzle
blue and brown rope on brown wooden table25Filomena • solved 1 time
green and black sky during night time sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
green and black sky during night time49Gracek • solved 1 time
green and brown trees under cloudy sky during daytime online puzzleSolve puzzlegrayscale photo of a window blinds sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
grayscale photo of a window blinds25Adelajda • solved 1 time
black and yellow bee on purple flower online puzzleSolve puzzle
black and yellow bee on purple flower64Filomena • solved 1 time
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white and brown flower in tilt shift lens81Felicjusz • solved 1 time
people sitting on chair near table during daytime sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzleman in white dress shirt standing near black metal fence online puzzleSolve puzzleblack and white butterfly perched on white flower sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
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