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All puzzles added 10 February 2021

snow covered mountain under blue sky during daytime sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzleblack and silver car gear shift lever online puzzleSolve puzzle
black and silver car gear shift lever100Karmelia • solved 6 times
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blue ceramic mug on coffee beans9Adelajda • solved 5 times
leafless tree on snow covered ground sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
leafless tree on snow covered ground64Francislava • solved 5 times
black and white concrete building online puzzleSolve puzzle
black and white concrete building16Max • solved 4 times
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green plant beside black dslr camera81Anastazy • solved 3 times
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aerial view of city buildings near body of water36Klementyna • solved 3 times
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silver macbook on black table9Anastazy • solved 2 times
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brown wooden blocks on white surface9Zenek • solved 2 times
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red white yellow and blue plastic dice36Adelajda • solved 2 times
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white and black ship on sea under white clouds36Marianda • solved 2 times
Forward Navigational Scan sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
Forward Navigational Scan36yelh • solved 2 times
person in red jacket and blue pants sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
person in red jacket and blue pants16Lucjusz • solved 2 times
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green plant on brown pot49Dorothy • solved 1 time
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brown and white abstract painting25Gracek • solved 1 time
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grayscale photo of body of water25Klementyna • solved 1 time
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white ceramic vase with green plant16Sergiusz • solved 1 time
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white and green remote control64Max • solved 1 time
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brown concrete bridge over green water100Ernesto • solved 1 time
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black and white abstract painting49Max • solved 1 time
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brown sand under blue sky during daytime49Anastazy • solved 1 time
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people walking on street during night time64Marianda • solved 1 time
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projectile motion49arron • solved 1 time
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yellow and black heavy equipment36Gracek • solved 1 time
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yellow round ball on black and white net64Piter • not solved yet
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child in pink long sleeve shirt16Felicjusz • not solved yet
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people riding on boat on lake during daytime100Adelajda • not solved yet
green grass field during daytime sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
green grass field during daytime81Lucjusz • not solved yet
green trees covered with snow sliding puzzle onlineSolve puzzle
green trees covered with snow16Zenek • not solved yet
aerial view of blue ocean water during daytime online puzzleSolve puzzle
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