3x3 puzzle online puzzle

6.9 SzymekCSC 9 2022-02-02
3x3 puzzle csúszó puzzle online

Apró 3x3 színes puzzle!

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      Isla Chiquita utolsó 6 online puzzleMy Puzzle online puzzle6x6 puzzle online puzzle5x5 puzzle csúszó puzzle online4x4 puzzle online puzzleFurcsa 2x2-es puzzle online puzzle


      i think it is too easyWhy can't I move it?GreatI solved the 10 by 10 in 1h 10mAnd the 12 by 12 in 1h 23mWhy the bit am I still in 514th I got it 34s then 18syes between 1 and 5 it's just imposibleQwertyNice!It's possible to get a sub-5 seconds you just need to make a lot of moves per second and have a good starting position (and also know how to solve it fast)Come on this websiteWoo I did 3x3 in 18sTHIS IS SO COOL I DID IT IN 20S YAY!I EVEN DID IT THE CHIQITA FINAL 6:)ninenoice got 8 secondseggsits alright. got 17s on my 4th attempt and then made an account, i think my best here is like 30 something secondsYooo this website is cool

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